"We are all apprentices in a
craft where no one ever
becomes a master."
~Ernest Hemingway
Contributions... for Base Brats!
A weed is only a weed if we label it as such.
Poppy and Daisy are uprooted from their friends frequently, thanks to their dads job. He's a sailor. They both know how important it is that he does the work he signed up to do, but that knowledge doesn't go far in helping them deal with everything the military life throws at them.
This series is SO very close to my heart as a military family ourselves. I'm collecting contributions from my military community that I can reference and use to inspire Poppy and Daisy's adventures. Every story you have is one I can use.
If your story is picked to be included in a book, you'll get a free copy (once they're published) and in the mean time? You can join my list of Beta readers. Read the stories, help me stay on track with military fact, help me catch my typos ;) and give me insight into Poppy and Daisy's feelings by contributing your own as a Beta reader.
emotional intelligence
I'm looking for your military family stories!
Click the Book image below! Fill out the Google Form.
Tell me the great! things military life has brought to you.
Tell me the frustrations, be specific. That time your orders were canceled as the pack out was just finishing up? ;)
Everything you contribute, goes into my story idea list for Poppy and Daisy stories.
You can fill it out describing situations your kids experienced. Tell me about the military side of the event, tell me about your kids reactions, your reactions, how you got through it. Tell me all of it.
Your kids can fill it out describing their own feelings during a military specific situation. Things they experienced. Things they saw friends go though and maybe even helped them with.
You service member can fill it out. Tell me how it went to bring home the news of a 7 month deployment. Tell me about crazy fun with your family visiting a port.